one pure thought

If God created man in his image, and if God is love, and we exist as creatures derived from God, and if art and creation are all the same, then our purpose in life is to keep creating “art” for as long as we’re alive. And if we are the ultimate work of art of our own lives, then we just have to keep working on ourselves and see where this piece of art wants to go. This piece of art is great at fighting games. This piece of art is gearing up to be a great bass player. This piece of art wants to travel the world, hang out, fuck around. This piece of art loves coffee, beer, and wine. This piece of art wants to stay up at the grand museum of life for as long as he can, so this piece of art is also into fitness, eating healthy, and maintaining a positive outlook in life. I am an artist and my life is my work of art. Because I know the importance of the word “art” and it’s very heavy implications, I am responsible for the upkeep of this piece of work, and I will work so that this piece of work inspires more pieces of work which will then inspire other pieces of work and that is what life is all about. It’s all about creating. Because if God created us in his image, and if God is love, and we exist as creatures derived from God, and if art and creation are all the same, then our purpose in life is to keep creating art for as long as we’re alive. This thought also completely annihilates the idea of suicide and other accompanying forms of nihilism, because only a psychopath would want to destroy a work of art. If you really, really REALLY understand the implications of the idea of the word “art” then you would know that anyone that keeps art hidden away in their basement only for themselves to enjoy is a fucking lunatic, and honestly, it’s kind of masturbatory. Unless those people were also aware that they themselves are a work of art, and if they really really really understand the idea of the word “art”, then whatever, that’s on them.